PC Hardware Troubleshoot and Maintenance + Basic Soldering Skill

PC Hardware Troubleshoot and Maintenance + Basic Soldering Skill
PC Hardware Troubleshoot and Maintenance + Basic Soldering
PC Hardware Troubleshoot and Maintenance + Basic Soldering Skill this module helps you to master PC troubleshooting and PC maintenance skill by identifying problems, signs and symptoms of various devices and successfully restoring them to their complete working condition and helps you master basic soldering skills by practising solder and removing IC components from the printed circuit board.
Generic Skills Addressed
Understand, identify and successfully troubleshoot a PC and restore it to its complete working condition and master, implementing basic soldering skills and able to solder and remove IC components from printed circuit board appropriately by using the appropriate tools.
Learning Outcomes
- Able to understand and identify the various hardware problems and troubleshoot with an experienced guide and restore the PC to its complete working condition
- Able to go through PC repairing standard of procedure by dealing with customers, write standard service report
- Able to understand soldering tools
- Able to use soldering tools appropriately
- Able to solder and remove IC appropriately
Lesson Outlines
- Lesson 1: Traits of a Technician, PC profiling
- Lesson 2: Operational Procedure, Service report
- Lesson 3: CPU technology, Over Clocking
- Lesson 4: BIOS & CMOS, Video Card
- Lesson 5: Power supplies
- Lesson 6: Hard Drive, Optical Drive
- Lesson 7: Preventive maintenance
- Understanding the use of soldering tools
- Practical - Solder and remove IC appropriately
- Research and Study on Features of Extensible Firmware Interface(UEFI)
- Research and Study on AMD APU
- Research and Study on AMD FX Processor
- Comparison Between Nvidia GTX and AMD RX 480
- What are the differences between RAM and High-Performance RAM
- What is PC Benchmark Test
- Differences between UEFI and BIOS
- Research and study on Ultra Path Interconnect
- Introduction to USB 2.1
**Available Online Class / Offline Classes for Other States students ( Johor | Melaka | Negeri Sembilan | Perak | Pulau Pinang | Pahang | Sabah | Sarawak | Selangor | Kuala Lumpur )
**For other states students, if you are not convenient to come to KL for classes, we encourage you to try our Online Classes: https://www.sbit.edu.my/Online-Learning
For more information, you may refer to: https://www.sbit.com.my/en/showproducts/productid/4289998/cid/0/professional-diploma-in-it-support/
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For more questions, you may refer to: https://www.sbit.edu.my/faq/