Soft Skill II - Presentation Skill

Soft Skill II - Presentation Skill
Presentation Skill
Presentation skills this module helps you to master basic presentation skills, build personal confidence, overcome nervousness, prepare a presentable presentation slideshow and complete an introductory presentation within the time given.
Generic Skills Addressed
Understand, and identify the trait of presentation, presentation skill and a presentation slideshow
Learning Outcomes
- Understand presentation skills such as body language, eye contact etc.
- Develop a presentable presentation slideshow
- Able to build confidence by overcoming nervousness
- Able to complete a 5 minutes presentation
Lesson Outlines
- Understand about presentation
- Benefits of using an oral presentation
- Before you start your presentation
- How to overcome nervous
- Develop your presentation skill
- Prepare a presentable PowerPoint slide
- Able to provide constructive feedback to others’ presenters at the same time, improve your presentation skill
**Available Online Class / Offline Classes for Other States students ( Johor | Melaka | Negeri Sembilan | Perak | Pulau Pinang | Pahang | Sabah | Sarawak | Selangor | Kuala Lumpur )
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