Advanced Server Support I (Level 4)

Advanced Server Support I (Level 4)

Advanced Server Support I (Level 4)


Advanced Server Support I (Level 4)
This course helps you with the knowledge and best practices required of IT practitioners working in server environments and who must understand and deliver basic server installation and support.

Generic Skills Addressed:
Understand the knowledge and skill of server technologies and master the skills in server installation and support
Learning Outcomes

  • Manage server hardware.
  • Install server hardware and operating system
  • Configure networking hardware and protocols
  • Perform basic server configuration tasks
  • Administer servers
  • Implement server storage solutions
  • Secure the server
  • Troubleshoot various server issues
**Available Online Class / Offline Classes for Other States students ( Johor | Melaka | Negeri Sembilan | Perak | Pulau Pinang | Pahang | Sabah | Sarawak | Selangor | Kuala Lumpur )
**For other states students, if you are not convenient to come to KL for classes, we encourage you to try our Online Classes:

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