Server | Network | Laptop | Printer | CCTV | Mobile Repairing, IT Course and Computer Repairing Course, Available Online Class / Offline Class for Other States students (Johor Bahru | Batu Pahat | Muar | Kluang | Melaka | Seremban | Ipoh | Penang | Sabah | Sarawak), Diploma in Information Technology

Research Writing 

Research writing this module helps you to master basic research writing skills with Turabian documentation style.

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Linux Installation & Configuration This module helps you to master Linux operating system installation, manage Linux components and secure the Linux system.

Generic Skills Addressed
Understand, identify, successfully install, manage, and secure the Linux operating system.

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Computer Security Fundamental

This course helps you with the knowledge and best practices required for applying and implementing security, from physical and logical security concepts to the details of various security measurements.

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Internship Training

Total of 800 hours to expose the students to the actual working environment and do what they have learned in the academy, gaining experience and developing an excellent working attitude, responsibility and self-confidence


Generic Skills

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