CCTV Technology and Installation

CCTV Technology and Installation
CCTV Technology and Installation
CCTV technology and installation this module help you to master the basic CCTV installation skill by understanding CCTV system, camera types, installation equipment and testing equipment.
Generic Skills Addressed
Understand, identify, install and test basic CCTV system
Learning Outcome
Able to understand and identify various CCTV systems, implement installation and test the system with the appropriate equipment
Lesson Outlines
- Introduction to CCTV System
- Introduction to Digital CCTV and IP technology
- Elements of a basic CCTV system: Camera, monitor and digital recorder
- Camera types: Fixed and movable, indoor and outdoor, monochrome and colour, day and night.
- Camera specifications: Sensitivity, signal-noise ratio and resolution
- Cables and connectors: Types, uses, limitations, preparation and testing
- Practical - Installing IP / wireless CCTV camera
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